When the angel spoke to Mary to tell her that she had been chosen to bear a child, he told her that she would give birth to a “Holy Thing” (Luke 1”35 (KJV). Jesus being described as a “Holy Thing” shows us that there was nothing existing to compare Him to. Never before had God created a “thing” like Jesus. He had no earthly father. Science has shown that the gender of a child is determined not by the woman but by the man. Since Jesus was born a man, it shows that there was a male, God the Father, who determined his gender.
A child contains the DNA of both parents. Jesus had the DNA of Mary and the spiritual DNA of God. He was no average man. He was continually connected to God the Father through His Spirit. He had more Spiritual power than any man who had ever lived before Him. He was God the Father in the form of flesh. Being in the flesh, He made Himself subject to the leadings of the Father (Philippians 2:8 (NKJV).
Jesus living in the flesh, experienced all that we do. He was tempted as we are in His daily life, yet He never sinned; which is doing that which is contrary to the Father’s will. He never lost sight of His mission. His mission was to take on the sins of the world and to become the atonement for mankind, when He sacrificed His life on the cross. When an animal was sacrificed to God, the animal had to be perfect without blemish. Jesus in order to meet the requirement to be the sacrifice for mankind, had to be without sin.
God the Father, did not make any other way for us to have our sins forgiven and have a relationship with Him. Jesus said, “no man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6 (KJV). There was no other way made. Our righteousness does not impress God. In fact, when we perceive ourselves to be living a sin-free life, we are subject to pride, looking down on others, feeling self-righteous. These perceptions are a sin. We are incapable of attaining the level of purity needed to meet God’s requirements.
If we could, on our own, live a life acceptable to God, Jesus would not have had to die for us. The bible tells us, “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8 (KJV). It is good to strive to live the life that God wants us to live, however, we must realize that without Jesus we will never be able to have a relationship with God the Father.