This is the last post that I will be making before the election. I know that many people are saying the economy is one of their main deciding factors in how they will vote. I have found that God is able to bless my family and I no matter who is president. He can bless us no matter what state the economy is in. He is not going to have the bible rewritten and remove certain promises because of who is President. God is faithful and keeps His promises to His children.
I already know who is going to win the election. The Holy Spirit has revealed it to me. He is the Spirit of Truth and tells us of things to come. I do not feel led to reveal this information at this time. However, if you know the Lord and can hear from the Holy Spirit, He will tell you. The best way to vote is as the Lord leads. God is able to see the future and He cannot be fooled, the way we can.
We cannot rely on some man’s directive as to how we should vote. There are many liars spewing out disinformation. We must rely on the Holy Spirit who gives us discernment. We also must listen to our conscience; not to our fears. Aren’t you glad that man does not decide your fate, but your fate is in the hands of God?
The bible tells us to pray without ceasing. This is a good time to be in prayer that God’s will be done and that He will continue to bless the U.S.A. as He has done for over 200 years. We have thrived under the present democracy. It has served the country well and it is worth preserving. It has many checks and balances that have prevented the emergence of a dictator, pray that it will continue to do so.
See you on the other side of November 5th…God bless!!