There is a lot that we can learn by reading the book of Job. One of the things that I believe is very relevant to Job’s story is the fact that God is able to put a wall of protection around us. I believe that if God did not do this, the devil would be attacking us all the time. His mission is to steal, kill and destroy. He considers those of us who are born again, his enemies. He knows that God has given us power to rebuke, bind, and cast him out. He is more likely to leave a happy sinner alone, as he knows that the sinner is lost.
Not only did Job refuse to curse God, but he also said: Job:13:15 Though He slay me yet will I trust Him. Many people who do not know the Lord think that He is the one causing bad things to happen to them. In the meantime, the devil is being held blameless for the things he does. God’s wish for us is that we may have an abundant life. This means a life that is blessed on earth and eternity spent in His presence, when we die. True, God moved His protection from Job, however, it was satan who attacked him. People who do not understand God and how things work in the spiritual world often blame God and get angry with God for the bad things they experience.
It is satan who has a game plan of killing. Sometimes when a family member or close a friend, dies unexpectedly, people blame God for it. When we are born again, we inherit all the promises of God concerning His children. His promises of protection, provision, healing, wisdom. We have a part to play in activating these promises in our lives, they are activated through faith. We are told to pray without ceasing. To make our requests known to God.
Job 16:2” miserable comforters are you all.” Job found his friends offered him no comfort. They blamed Job for what happened to him. Job 26:12 (NKJV) “He stirs up the sea with his power and by His understanding He breaks up the storm.” Throughout the Old Testament, we find references to Jesus. We know that Jesus has the power to break up storms (Psalm 89:9). When He was in the boat with His disciples and a storm arose, He told the storm to cease. The disciples marveled that even the wind and the waves obeyed Him (Matthew 8:27).
We must be clear on who our enemy is. God is on our side. God is for and not against us. Satan is a defeated foe. He was defeated when Jesus rose from the grave. Though he walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, we have been given power over him. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead resides in us and through Him we have the victory.