I remember when my house was being built, I would drive by almost every weekend to see the progress. I could hardly wait to see the finished product. I was very excited at the prospect of one day living there. Likewise, we can be excited about living in heaven, which is our future home.
What is heaven really like? Many people have shared their experiences during periods when they died then were subsequently brought back to life. One of the things that they usually tell of is a feeling of peace and love. The feeling of no fear and of being in the presence of God. There is no devil to cause chaos. Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for us and if He goes then He will come again and receive us unto Himself that where He is there we may be also (John 14:2-6).
One of the most detailed descriptions I have ever read of heaven was written by Jesse Duplantis in his book “Heaven close encounters of the God kind”. In this book He describes His trip to heaven. He believes he was taken bodily to heaven, one day. He corroborates a lot of the other things that others have written about. Things such as the new colors, the flowers, Jesus being made of light. He also talks about seeing animals; some of the famous people in the bible. He shares his conversations with some of the people there. I believe that God chose Jesse because he is able to be very animated in his writings. Jesus told him that the reason He brought him to heaven was because He wanted Jesse to tell people that He will be coming back soon. I recommend that you get this book. It will help you to envision what heaven is like and get you excited at the prospect of going there. It can be purchased on Amazon.
The bible tells us in the book of Revelation that when the nations are gathered against Israel in war, then Jesus will defeat Israel’s enemies. We can see the battle lines are being drawn today as Israel has been and continues to be under attack. Can you imagine the shock when Jesus bursts through the clouds with the angels to fight for Israel. Israel’s enemies will be no match for Jesus and the angels. The attacks against Israel are another sign of Jesus’ soon return.
I believe the rapture of the church is imminent. It could take place any day now.