Recently, I shared how on a visit to a restaurant we left early because of someone who kept coughing and hacking, making me concerned about contracting a virus. It turned out that we needed to leave as the car had a flat tire.
Upon taking the car to the dealership to have the tire replaced, we were told that a recall had been issued several months earlier. We had not been informed of this recall and had we not taken the vehicle in, would have continued to go unaware of it.
I encourage you when things seem to be going wrong, look for the good. With that type of mindset, you will be able to handle what appears as trials with much more peace. If you look for the good, you will find it.
God has good plans for your life. He wants only the best for you. He only asks that we trust Him and stay in faith through all circumstances.
Footnote: Please excuse the typographical error in my last post. The subtitle should read: “When God is on our side”.